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Saffron is a grassy plant related to Iridaceae family. Its scientific name is “Crocus Sativus” and it is called “Safran” in French language. It is an eight year plant, without any stem and its root is bulbous and spherical. Saffron has a strong fragrance and a bitter and somehow hot taste. its white, yellow, gold, red and green yellowish colors have put saffron among the most beautiful flowers. It is also an ornamental and very expensive flower.
Obviously, saffron can be differently classified. A classification may be merely physical; it also can be in regard with the quality of the product. Saffron is classified according to the cultivating area in Spain; otherwise, it will be classified by the length or thickness of stigma and style.
In India, the quality of stigma is their criterion. Nice to know that India and Spain are two saffron producing countries but their production volume is not much. They classify saffron in England according to the color, fragrance and taste.
The difference in the above classifications is dependant on the fact that whether the country is a producer or consumer of the product. By the way ISO3632 standard has specified the best classifications accepted world wide. The following saffron species are the most famous in the international markets.